In connection to my research about various codes and ciphers of human communication, including facial expressions, I created this visual experiment for my master thesis:
personal i am is an analogue avatar, a messaging service for authentic personal messages using human communication codes - such as facial expressions, tone of voice and the human presence via touch.
With this project I wish to draw your attention to our increasing use of digital communication tools which can never replace the intrinsic emotional connection of analogue communication.
Although I celebrate and cherish the advantages and possibilities of digital communication I strongly believe we need to remember and to be aware that it can not replace analog face-to-face communication at a emotional demanding level - a human touch has a far deeper impact!
This avatar offers a new medium to transfer such intimate and personal messages to a dear person if separated by location, which do not feel appropriate to tell via digital communication tools.
The idea is to access personal i am online, record your sensitive message in your tone of voice, take a picture with your individual and associated facial expression and send it to your dear person. This haptic avatar with your sensitive message will arrive in shape of an unique and customised envelope at your dear persons address. It already stands out in the mailbox as it responds to human touch by revealing your very individual skin colour underneath with the help of thermochromic ink. The sealed message inside will reveal once the portrait of your individual face is touched, to emphasize once again that the human touch has a far deeper impact. It triggers the conductive ink the portrait is printed onto, connected to the hidden technical body inside. To be there if you can´t be there. Some messages just need to be said personal!
personal i am is an analogue avatar, a messaging service for authentic personal messages using human communication codes - such as facial expressions, tone of voice and the human presence via touch.
With this project I wish to draw your attention to our increasing use of digital communication tools which can never replace the intrinsic emotional connection of analogue communication.
Although I celebrate and cherish the advantages and possibilities of digital communication I strongly believe we need to remember and to be aware that it can not replace analog face-to-face communication at a emotional demanding level - a human touch has a far deeper impact!
This avatar offers a new medium to transfer such intimate and personal messages to a dear person if separated by location, which do not feel appropriate to tell via digital communication tools.
The idea is to access personal i am online, record your sensitive message in your tone of voice, take a picture with your individual and associated facial expression and send it to your dear person. This haptic avatar with your sensitive message will arrive in shape of an unique and customised envelope at your dear persons address. It already stands out in the mailbox as it responds to human touch by revealing your very individual skin colour underneath with the help of thermochromic ink. The sealed message inside will reveal once the portrait of your individual face is touched, to emphasize once again that the human touch has a far deeper impact. It triggers the conductive ink the portrait is printed onto, connected to the hidden technical body inside. To be there if you can´t be there. Some messages just need to be said personal!